We offer contraception and sexual health advice at various locations across Lancashire specifically for young people under 25.
Lancashire Community Education Sexual Health Service co-ordinates and delivers sexual health and well-being to young people under 25 living in Lancashire.
General Under 25 Information
When you attend one of our Under 25 services in Lancashire, you can access a wide range of screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia; Gonorrhoea; HIV & Syphilis. The nurses can assess and treat patients experiencing symptoms of herpes and warts, please be aware you may be asked to attend a level 3 service in some instances.
We also provide a wide range of contraception methods including pills, implants, injections, coils, condoms and emergency contraception.
Our Under 25 sexual health services provide contraception and full sexual health testing. To make an appointment at any of our clinics call: 0300 1234 154
If you are aged between 16 and 24 you can request free condoms.